7th February 2025
Gardening Jobs For November - In Blog Featured Image

Gardening Jobs For November

Although it is beginning to get a lot colder and the days are shorter, don’t just let your garden hibernate until Spring. There is still plenty of work to get stuck into including potting up some colourful winter plants, planning your garden for next spring and summer, and general tidying that you’ll be glad you did in a few months time.

Also, autumn and winter can be very tough for birds and other local wildlife, so keep food and water topped up for them.

To help you manage your November task list or avoid certain types of jobs which may not be relevant to you, our gardening guide has been split into four categories:

Garden Maintenance for November

Whilst your garden may be dying back quickly around this time of the year, there is still a good amount of maintenance that your outdoor space requires.

Don’t let the cold and wetter weather put you off from spending time in your garden. All of your cleaning and tidying work around this time of the year will more than make your life easier once spring and summer roll back around.

We recommend looking to complete as many maintenance tasks as you can before moving on to the rest of this month’s gardening jobs.

Collect fallen leaves

Collect fallen leaves, put into bin bags and leave them to decompose into leaf mould

Add to your compost

To add to your compost bin, chop up any faded bedding plants, annuals and old crops

Furniture cover

For any garden furniture you can’t store indoors over winter, put waterproof covers over

Look after animals

Provide some additional food and shelter to help look after your garden wildlife as winter approaches

Prevent ice damage

To prevent ice damage when temperatures fall below freezing, remove pond pumps and fountains

Still mow your lawn

If your grass is still growing, continue to mow the lawn in mild spells but raise the height of the blades

Prune dormant trees

To control their size and encourage fruiting, start pruning free-standing apple and pear trees once dormant

Check for wildlife

Before lighting any bonfires, check them carefully to make sure no hedgehogs or other wildlife are sheltering inside

Insulate pots

To protect from frost damage and to insulate vulnerable plant roots, wrap bubble polythene or hessian around pots

Insulate taps and pipes

Wrap an insulating foam around your outdoor taps and pipes

Give your compost bin cover

Move your worm compost bins under any type of cover for the winter

Good bird feeder hygiene

To maintain good hygiene, regularly clean out and scrub bird feeders

Repair your fences

Now they are becoming free of foilage, repair your fences and trellis

Help with completing your November maintenance...

November's Greenhouse Tasks

Greenhouses are once again proving their worth this month! Growing opportunities outside at this time of the year are few and far between, however with the correct ventilation, heating and cleaning, you can sow, plant, pot and grow all winter long thanks to your outdoor growing space. 

Follow the steps below to ensure your growing efforts are timed perfectly and your growing efforts will more than come to fruition:

Wash and store pots

Ready for use in spring, wash out all empty pots and trays and store neatly under greenhouse staging

Avoid splashing

As it dries slowly in cool weather and fungal diseases may set in, avoid splashing foliage when watering

Sow leafy crops

For winter pickings, sow leafy crops such as rocket into small seed trays on a warm sunny windowsill

Root cuttings

Take root cuttings to propagate perennials, including phlox, oriental poppies and verbascums

Onto the compost heap

To add to the compost heap, clear out faded tomato and cucumber plants from the greenhouse

Temperature watch

Monitor your greenhouse temperatures with a max/min thermometer and turn on heating if needed

Bring herbs inside

Bring indoors potted herbs such as parley & chives to continue cropping into winter

Humid houseplants

To combat the drying effects of central heating, give your houseplants extra humidity

Clean your greenhouse

Using disinfectant, scrub down your greenhouse staging, glazing and the framework

Cover tender plants

To keep frost free, make sure all tender plants are safely under cover

Water spring bulbs

To ensure they never dry out water indoor pots of spring bulbs frequently

Insulate your greenhouse

Using bubble polythene, insulate your greenhouse walls and roof

Check for pests

Check your greenhouse plants regularly for overwintering pests

Get your growing space in
order for November...

Pruning & Planting for November

November is typically the time of the year when your garden begins to retreat and certain plants become dormant for a period of time, however, we still have a full list of tasks for you to complete, including planting your spring bulbs as this month is your last chance to do so!

Of course, all of the tasks below may not be relevant to your growing space, so browse the jobs and complete the ones that are applicable to you.

Plant tulip bulbs

In pots and borders, plant tulip bulbs and cover them with at least twice their depth of soil or compost

Lift dahlia tubers

After the first frost, lift dahlia tubers, clean them off and store in dry compost in a cool, frost-proof place

Bin blackspot leaves

To prevent any disease carryover, gather up and bin all of the fallen leaves of roses affected by blackspot

Plant bare-root plants

Before the weather really begins to turns cold, plant all of your bare-root hedging, roses, trees and shrubs

Stem protection

If rabbits are a problem then put stem protection guards around your young trees and shrubs

Clear annual climbers

From the supports, clear faded sweet peas, morning glory, thunbergia and other annual climbers

Cut down perennials

Cut down perennials that are looking tatty and faded then mulch the surrounding soil with garden compost

Protect your apanthus

Protect all of your borderline hardy plants such as apanthus using thick mulch of straw or garden compost

Replenish gravel mulch

Replenish gravel mulch around alpines to keep the foliage clear of damp soil as this can cause rotting

Move alpine plant pots

Move containers of alpine plants under cover to shelter from winter rain

Sow berry seeds

Now is the time to sow seeds from your berry-laden trees and shrubs

Seed catalogues

To start planning what to grow next year, send off for some seed catalogues

Plant Japanese maple

In a pot and placed in a sheltered spot in semi-shade, plant a Japanese maple

Products to aid your pruning & planting efforts...

Growing Fruit & Vegetables in November

November is usually the first month when heavier rain and frosts arrive, so taking advantage of any dry weather is vital to this months produce growing tasks. You can still plant and sow plenty of vegetables in November whilst carrying out a number of forward-thinking tasks ready for spring and summer.

Take a look through all of November’s growing tasks below:

Watch for rot

Check all of your stored crops for signs of rot or deterioration

Pot up chicory roots

To force in the dark, lift and pot up all of your chicory roots

Prune raspberries

After harvesting, prune autumn-fruiting raspberries to the ground

Plant bare-root trees

As long as the ground isn’t too wet, plant your bare-root fruit trees, bushes and canes

Protect from pigeons

For protection from pigeons, put netting over cabbages, kale and other hardy brassicas 

Plant garlic and onions

In free-draining soil or raised beds, plant garlic, shallots and onions then cover with fleece

Store artichokes

After cutting down your Jerusalem artichokes, dig up and store the tubers in a bucket of dry compost

Tidy strawberry beds

Tidy up strawberry beds, cutting back congested runners and old foliage and removing any weeds

Fruit bush cuttings

From healthy fruit bushes, including currants, blueberries and gooseberries, take hardwood cuttings

Prune fruit bushes

Once dormant, prune fruit bushes including blackcurrants, redcurrants, whitecurrants and gooseberries

Cover winter crops

As good ventilation is vital, use cloches to protect winter peas, beans and salads, but leave the ends open

Support your sprouts

For extra stability, support top-heavy Brussels sprouts with sturdy canes, and pile earth up around the stems


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