15th January 2025

A sequel to our first blog Rubber Tiles Used To Create An All Weather Golf Tee, after creating a number of successful tees Glynhir Golf Club decided to add more all weather tees to their course and plan on having an all weather tee on all 18 holes eventually. Read on to see how the team installed these tees.

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The Project | The WorkConclusion |

The Project

Graham contacted us a few months after the first all weather tees were installed to order more Rubber Play Tiles which are strong, easy to install and non-slip. If you have seen the previous blog you will know the style Glynhir wanted for their tees: Wooden Border, Concrete Base, Play Tile flooring with an Astro Turf Centre. We dispatched Graham’s order the same day he contact us and he received the tiles three working days later via pallet delivery.

Rubber Tiles Used To Create All Weather Tee

The Work

Graham and the team began by marking out the area where the tee would sit. From here they dug down and removed all of the existing turf and soil leaving a square ‘hole’. Next, they used 4 pieces of tanalised railway sleepers to create a border around the entire tee and used some removed soil to fill around the edges.

Next, a layer of hardcore was laid in the bottom and compacted down to create a solid sub-base on which everything would be installed. On top of the hardcore a three inch layer of concrete screed was laid and finished flat around one inch below the level of the sleepers to form a recess.

With the recess formed, the rubber play tiles were then glued down on to the concrete to form a perimeter around the tee and leaving a small square in the middle where astro turf was then installed. The astro turf is a specialist heavy duty Astro Turf Driving mat.

Finally, all that was left to do was to clean up around the tee and begin playing!

Rubber Tiles Used To Create All Weather Tee


Graham and all of Glynhir Golf Club are very pleased with the new and old all weather tees. They have been a great addition to the course meaning almost all holes can be played rain or shine.

A huge thanks to Glynhir and Graham for using our rubber play tiles and for sharing the photos and information to allow us to create these case studies. For more information on any of our products then please do not hesitate to get in touch via the contact us page.

Rubber Tiles Used To Create All Weather Tee


Coloured Recycled Rubber Tiles